Thank you for visiting! Whether this is your first stop in checking out local churches or you have worshipped with us in the past, we are glad you are here.
As someone who is new to our congregation, it is our hope that you will find yourself spiritually fed through worship, song, fellowship and prayer. We are a vibrant church and welcome all who attend.
Services are held Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am with Children’s Sunday School, Youth Bible Study (8-12th grades), Adult Bible Study and Fellowship happening at 9:15am (Sept. – May).
If you would like to become a member of our congregation, please visit with Pastor Christian at 715-684-2770 or at New member classes are held in October and March (Sundays between services for four weeks).
As a member of God’s family, it is our hope that you find our church family welcoming. Again, we are glad you are here! Peace!!